sexual superlatives

am 26.01.2002 / in linktipps

unter erfährt man allerlei nichtigkeiten oder wissenswertes oder irgendwie so was über die schönste sache der welt…
mal amüsant:
„…he suggests ´that a woman ought, in the moment during coitus when the man ejaculates his sperm, to hold her breath, draw her body back a little so that the semen cannot penetrate into the os uteri, then immediately get up and sit down with bent knees, and in this position, provoke sneezes´. thus, it is hoped, she will avoid conception.“
mal beängstigend:
„and orgasm has been known to accompany a variety of forms of damage to the body including lesions and ruptures of various organs. death has also occurred from time to time!“
wer glück hat und ´nur´ mit rückenschmerzen davon kommt, findet hier hilfe. *g*


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